Parish of Wath with Brampton

All Saints Church, Wath upon Dearne and Christ Church, Brampton Bierlow, South Yorkshire, became one parish in 2022. They are part of the Diocese of Sheffield in the Church of England.

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The Church is a Community

The church buildings are very different in character. Like people, each is unique. All Saints dates back to Anglo-Saxon times, and Christ Church was built in the 19th Century. While All Saints may be historically impressive, Christ Church has a more intimate atmosphere.

However, the church, first and foremost, is the body of Christ and the community of God’s people in Christ. And as Jesus commanded us to love, we aim to follow this instruction. To that end, we offer you a welcome in the hope that you will find truth, peace, resilience and a better life – the same benefits we receive.

Mission Statement

Our aim is to follow Jesus in every area of our lives.

We do this by:

Being a welcoming church - worshipping and growing in faith together

Praying and learning together

Sharing the good news of Jesus

Serving our community

Our Parish Ministers

The Oversight Minister, Rev. Charles Burton

Hi. I’m Rev. Charles Burton, oversight minister for the benefice of Wath with Brampton. I take most of the services at either church, including baptisms, weddings and funerals.

Associate Priest, John Parker

Hi. I’m Rev. John Parker, associate priest. I support our oversight minister in taking some services and working to reach out to those outside the church.

The Lord’s Prayer

This is the prayer our Saviour, Jesus Christ, gave us.

It is always a great comfort to everyone, wherever they are, in times of trouble.

Our Father, who art in heaven,
hallowed be thy name;
thy kingdom come;
thy will be done;
on earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread.
And forgive us our trespasses,
as we forgive those who trespass against us.
And lead us not into temptation;
but deliver us from evil.
For thine is the kingdom,
the power and the glory,
for ever and ever.

Latest Updates

The next Messy Church event will likely be around Easter 2025. Please check back for more updates later.

See events for young people, including Messy Church and the Blaze Youth Group.

Most Recent Post

  • Vicar’s Letter Feb 2025
    You can’t have missed being bombarded by holiday adverts post-Christmas on TV.  Of course, as I was reminded, this is the time of year when people’s attention turns to planning and booking vacations or … Read more

Support Our Work

If you wish to support our mission, please come along and join us at one of our church services, get in touch or donate to help fund our work in the community.

Using this button, you can send an instant donation using PayPal or a bank card.


The Church Online

The church has had an online presence for many years. However, this grew during the Covid outbreak. Our churches were no exception, and many services were conducted by video. You can view them on our YouTube channel.

Our Church YouTube Channel

Thy Kingdom Come – a global movement.

The Church of England has a free national phone line to provide a simple way for praise and worship to enter people’s homes.  Daily Hope offers music, prayers, reflections, and full worship services from the Church of England at the end of a telephone line.

The line is available 24 hours a day on 0800 804 8044. It has been set up, particularly with those unable to join online church services during the period of restrictions in mind, and it’s still in operation now.

Please pass this information on to anyone who would be glad of it.

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