Christ Church was founded in 1853 by Charles William Earl Fitzwilliam, and the total cost was £3000. It was finally consecrated by the Archbishop of York in 1855, being described as “a small fabric of 295 sittings, 235 of which were free”.
Since it was established, Christ Church has changed from a rural parish to what it is today – a community that reflects God’s grace, remaining in touch with the world to benefit the local population.
Service Times
Sundays of each month at Christ Church:
9:45 am Holy Communion
9:45 am Morning Worship
9:45 am Holy Communion
9:45 am Messy Breakfast
10:00 am All-age Worship
9:45 am Joint Service with Wath Methodist Church and West Melton URC(venue on notice sheet below)
2nd & 4th
10:00 am Holy Communion
The church is open from 10:00 to 12 noon for private prayer and reflection.
What’s On
Parent and Toddler Group
9 – 10:45 am Thursdays, term-time.
Christ Church Community Hall.
Prayer Chain
Our healing team pray for you or a loved one.
Request prayers.
Coffee Mornings
10 – 12 noon every 1st Saturday.
Christ Church.
Proceeds support church funds.
Friends of Brampton Graveyard
10 – 12 noon Wednesdays.
Help maintain the grounds.
07849 660963
5:45 – 7 pm Tuesdays.
Christ Church Community Hall.
07740 343296
Christ Church Officers
I’m Ingrid House, and I was the Treasurer at Christ Church. I’m now sort of Assistant Treasurer! I also do the Facebook page for Christ Church and am the churchwarden for Christ Church. 07759 237017
To hire Christ Church Community Hall, contact Anita Hoyle at 07925 938736
Please contact Gloria Sherburn on 01709 209094 to order a copy of our parish magazine, which is delivered monthly (except in January and August) to your door.
For adverts, etc., please contact the magazine editor, Ruth Sunderland, at 07939 885199.
Limited nearby parking
Ramped entrance
Accessible toilet
Large print hymn books
Large print service sheets
Hearing [induction] loop