Friends of Brampton Graveyard

Founded in 2017, Friends of Brampton Graveyard (FoBG) is a local community charity run solely by volunteers. Its mission is to maintain and improve the 3-acre Brampton Graveyard in West Melton.

Friends of Brampton Graveyard logo

The founding members of FoBG recognised the value of Brampton Graveyard as a local heritage asset and a green space for the local community to enjoy. FoBG volunteers encourage wildlife to flourish amongst the 100+ mature trees, year-round flora and designated areas set aside for natural habitats to thrive. Local schools and Brownie groups have often visited the graveyard for nature studies. 

As well as benefiting the local community through their efforts, the volunteers enjoy various degrees of exercise and work together towards a common goal. 

Volunteers working in Brampton Graveyard
Working together

As a group we are always looking at ways we can maintain and further encourage wildlife into the graveyard. We are looking at creating new, larger wild flower areas, displaying  raised flower beds using things like old wheelbarrows and introducing bird feeding stations.

We’re Self-Funded

We are fully self funding and rely on the generosity and support of our loyal volunteers and members. We hold fundraising events annually which in the past have included barbecues, table top sales and coffee morning and bake sales. We also raise funds through the new Rotherham Community Lottery where players can nominate a registered good cause to support and we receive 50% of all ticket sales.

Here’s a link to our lottery page.

An atmostpheric photo of Brampton Graveyard
How atmospheric

When We Meet

We meet every Wednesday morning from 10:00 to 12:00, and Christ Church is open to everybody for a hot drink, biscuits, and a good chat.

If you would like to join our group or would like more information, simply pop along any Wednesday morning to see what we do.

Alternatively, you could call Chris on 07849 660963. 

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