Complete the form to send an email to the vicar, Rev. Charles Burton, or phone or text 07803 219746
Other Church Officers
The following people have roles associated with both churches in the parish.

I’m Gill Fellows. I help with the Tiddlers and Toddlers group, the Bright Sparks Sunday School group at All Saints and much more.

Hi. I’m Rachel Parker, the children and young people’s worker. I visit local schools and regularly organise messy church events, our youth group, Blaze, a worship club and more. I am passionate about helping young people get a good start in life. 07988 569600

I’m Barbara Lord, PCC secretary. I liaise with Rev. Charles Burton to prepare agendas and minutes of meetings, deal with correspondence and documents relating to the current business of the PCC, plus lots more.

Hi. I’m Jonathan Henthorn. I’m the GDPR officer. My role is to ensure we follow UK law on data protection. I also ensure your personal details are secure and obtain your permission to store them. I act as an advisor to the website admin, too.

I’m Mike Underwood, the giving director. I help people contribute financially to the upkeep and mission of the parish and deal with Gift Aid. I’m also the website admin, helping publicise what our local churches do. 07846 960313
Of course, since there is so much to do, there are many others not mentioned here who we are eternally grateful to for their unwavering support, enthusiasm and energy.
Church-Specific Officers
Volunteers who have roles within one of the two churches in the parish.