Easter 2024

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All things bright and beautiful 
All creatures great and small 
All things wise and wonderful 
The Lord God made them all – you included!  

What’s the fluffiest, cutest, loveliest, smallest animal you have either owned or looked after?  Mouse, rat, gerbil, hamster, bird, newborn farm animal?  Paul and I once owned two fluffy, bright yellow baby chicks; in fact, we adopted them after they were included in an Easter Sunday family service.  These two bright yellow fluffy chicks soon grew and made a mess of the garden.  They had to go!  Thankfully, they were adopted into a caring and loving home with other hens and laid their free-range eggs over the years.   

Paul and I have either bought or adopted Siamese cats.  Our first boy, Samson, was indeed an adorable, beautiful kitten.  Like his name, he soon grew into a strong, gorgeous cream point.  After Samson came Sele and then Neroli, both of whom we adopted from the Siamese Rescue charity in Sheffield.  We adored them all and remember them because they were our ‘fur baby’ family.  

By the time you read this, you may have returned from your Easter holiday and eaten all your delicious Easter eggs and chocolates.  How soon we forget about Easter and move on.  One of the greatest events ever took place over Easter – Jesus died, was crucified, buried and rose again from the dead.  He’s alive for evermore, alleluia!  The tomb was now empty, and, through his rising again, we can be adopted into the most wonderful family of all – the church family.

We have been coming to All Saints since last Palm Sunday.  We were so overwhelmed by the welcome at the door and afterwards over coffee that we came back on Easter Sunday and have never looked back.  We have been adopted into a loving and caring church family at All Saints and Brampton.  We’re all different: we have different gifts, skills and abilities, we’re different ages and nationalities, we have different life stories and experiences, different points of view, hopes and dreams, and yet God adopts us into his one big family and helps us to live and work together.  

May God continue to bless us and enable us to flourish together to his glory.

Denise Lancaster.

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