Giving Day 2024

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This year’s giving day for the parish of Wath with Brampton is Sunday, 14th July. Giving Day is when we remember God’s generosity and make donations to our local churches.

Christians are called to be generous, as God gave His only begotten Son, Jesus Christ, without counting the cost to show us the Way to forgiveness and life. Churches up and down the country also work for the good of their surrounding communities by supporting the poor and needy.

Voluntary Work: Giving Our Time

Apart from the clergy and centenary project workers, everyone who supports the church does so by giving their time and often money. We all indeed serve within the church in different ways and to one another. There’s another way of describing that we are all involved in the mission of God.

It’s important to remember that those who love God are somehow ‘energised’ to put their heart and soul into the work we so care about with a sense of mission: something that matters to us.

“We care about our relationship with God, our family members and one another, and our church flourishes and grows.”

Financial Giving: Securing A Future

Of course, churches need financial backing to continue running.  Maintaining these beautiful buildings is not cheap, and there are often repairs to be made, which can run into thousands.  It is, however, more than just about buildings – it’s about the areas of ministry the church is involved in with the local community, sharing the love of God in so many different areas.

On the occasion of the forthcoming giving day, we’re invited to look at our regular giving and see if we feel comfortable with what we contribute financially. Our income and expenditure can change depending on circumstances, and we may find an adjustment would be a sensible option.

Thanks For Your Contributions

On behalf of the PCC, I wish to thank everybody who helps keep our church flourishing.  They’re great places to feel God’s welcome and the warmth, for example, when we ‘share the peace’.  I always feel uplifted; there’s never enough time to shake hands or hug everybody I’d like.

To finish, though, and keep to the main point of this article, I must say these decisions are between us and God, so please ponder, pray, and give what feels right to you.

Ways to Donate

You can put money in one of the new giving envelopes enclosed in Parish Magazines and hand it in, use existing giving envelopes in church or give via this website.  

Alternatively, you could visit the donate page, which might be a more convenient method for you to support our mission. There, you can donate using PayPal or a bank card.  A link is also placed on the giving page. 

I recommend the Parish Giving Scheme if you wish to use another method.

The PGS is like a standing order, and everything you give comes to the church of your choice. The difference is that they take care of the gift aid that allows us to collect an extra 25% from HMRC at no cost to you. It can also be used to make a one-off donation. Here’s more information about the PGS, including different ways to set up regular giving.

As has been said in past giving days, “God loves a generous giver.” And also, being generous makes you feel good!

Kindest Regards,

Mike Underwood, Giving Director

Featured image with thanks to Unsplash

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