Love is generous, love is kind, and love is selfless – we see that in all God gives to us; how will you respond?

I’m Mike Underwood, the giving director. I help people contribute financially to the upkeep and mission of the parish and deal with Gift Aid. 07846 960313
Skip to our preferred method of giving: the Parish Giving Scheme.
The Bad News
It seems the news is full of negative stories about the lives of young people in our country today. National newspapers tell us that rates of depression and anxiety amongst teenagers have increased by 70 per cent in the past 25 years, with one in four children showing some evidence of mental ill-health. Locally, we’ve all seen anti-social behaviour caused, in part, by teenagers with little to do and nowhere to go.
The Good News!
It sometimes feels like there is little we can do to help these young people. The good news is that this is not the case. There is plenty we can do as a Church community. The great news is that we have been given the means and the opportunity to help these young people and simultaneously to help grow the Church younger, to give everyone in our Parish a more hopeful future.
The Power to Change
If you take a moment to think about it, you’ll be able to recall the power that knowing Jesus brings to your life, and it this that the Archbishop of Canterbury wants to be experienced by as many people as possible,
” We are committed to this work because we want everyone to know how much they are loved by God through Jesus Christ, and how they can find that love for themselves. We believe that everyone should have a chance to experience the hope of the gospel of Jesus Christ and the fellowship of belonging to a Christian community wherever they live, whether in an urban city centre, an outer housing estate or in remote rural areas.”
Justin Welby
If every adult in our Church community gave a regular and considered gift to our Church, we are confident we can continue this transformation of lives. At the end of the day, how much to give is a thoughtful, prayerful decision only you can make, hence: ‘Each man should give what he has decided in his heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.’
What We Do
It is an integral part of life in the church that, as disciples of Christ, we are also generous. Just how much our churches do for the local community is not widely known, so here is a list of what we do regularly, plus some recent events.
- Raising Money to support those providing food for local families
- Supporting homeless people via the Archer Project
- Monthly Coffee Mornings – various charities
- Summer Fairs – various charities
- Making Twiddle muffs for Alzheimer’s patients
- Sending off shoeboxes to Orphanages in Eastern Europe
To mention but a few.
Giving Benefits You
We do these things for free because unconditional love inspires us to live this way, and all are welcome to join us in volunteering to work for the community or to give what they can. There is so much joy in doing something for others; it is well-known that the attitude involved is good for dealing with stress and enhances your life.
But the main point of giving is that the main benefactors are those in unfortunate circumstances who receive the support that helps them know they are not forgotten.

Of course, so that there will always be churches in Wath and in Brampton Bierlow in years to come, money is needed to sustain and grow its mission and ministry.
Parish Giving Scheme
The Parish Giving Scheme (PGS) is an established service for managing one-off and direct debit giving designed to support churches in funding their mission and ministry. It provides a simple and secure service to givers.
Donations made through this scheme are sent in full, plus any gift aid, if applicable, to the particular church of your choice.
Please use the Parish Code listed here:
All Saints Wath with Christ Church Brampton Bierlow 350635235
There are three ways of setting this up.
You can now set up your PGS account online.
The process takes about 10 minutes. Simply phone 0333 002 1271 and speak to someone via the PGS direct telephone number. You will need the Parish Code of the church, your Bank sort code and account number.
Simply click the button below to download or print the form, then complete it and mail it to the PGS address on the form.
The first two pages on the form offer plenty of explanation, but here’s more information about the PGS.
Changing Your Contribution
From time to time, you may wish to adjust the frequency or the amount you regularly donate. With the PGS, it’s so easy!
You can either access your PGS account online or telephone 0333 002 1260 to manage your giving.