Gift Aid Declaration

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If you are a UK tax-payer and pay more tax than the gift-aid component (25%) of your annual donations, please complete the gift-aid declaration form below to enable us to receive an extra 25% from HMRC.

How This Works

If you pay no income tax, please do not complete the form.

If you pay income tax, and your annual tax is much larger than your annual giving, you can complete the form with confidence, and the church will benefit.  

If you only pay a small amount of income tax, you need to understand that you may be liable for paying the gift aid yourself, should you choose to complete the form.

I hope that the following example makes how this works clearer…

  1. Let’s say that you pay £1,500 income tax and your total giving in the same tax year to the church and other charities was £4,000
  2. The gift aid on your giving would be 25% x £4,000 = £1,000.
  3. In that case, since this (£1,000) is less than the income tax (£1,500), HMRC would pay the 25% to us in addition to the donation you just made.
  4. If, on the other hand, your income tax is less than the gift aid 25% on your giving, then you would be liable to pay the gift aid component (25% of your annual donations) when you pay your income tax. 

Please get in touch if you would like this to be clearer, and I will do what I can to help.

Gift Aid Declaration
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I consent
“Please make my gift worth 25% more at no extra cost to me.I am a UK taxpayer and I want The Parochial Church Council of Wath with Brampton Bierlow to claim back the tax on all donations I have made in the last four years and all future donations. I understand if I pay less Income Tax and/or Capital Gains Tax than the amount of Gift Aid claimed on all my donations in that tax year it is my responsibility to pay any difference.I will notify the giving director if I wish to cancel this declaration, change my name or address or no longer pay enough tax on my income/capital gains.”

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Thank you, Mike Underwood 07846 960313