Thoughts 11th July 21

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Psalm 1 verse 3          ‘He is like a tree planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in season and whose leaf does not wither.  Whatever he does prospers.’

This verse has come to my mind repeatedly over the last year.  There is a worship song that uses these words. I know for myself that I soon ‘run dry’ or start ‘running on empty’ as the expressions go, when I am not constantly returning to God’s word and turning to Him in prayer.  These are just two important ways God loves to meet with us daily and nourish us.  During hot weather and drought, going on walks and coming across trees growing by streams, rivers and lakes; we can easily see the wisdom of these words of Scripture.

Lord, please give us a thirst for your presence.  We place into your hands our questions as we wonder what the future holds for meeting, worshipping, praying, serving and loving as a community of faith hoping we can one day gather together.  Hold us, lead us, bless us and those we pray for each day. 


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