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Psalm 61
This short Psalm (just 8 verses!) speaks of Assurance, and in particular of assurance of God’s protection. The word Assurance brings to mind the Hymn ‘Blessed Assurance, Jesus is mine, O what a foretaste of glory Divine’. There is something precious, immovable and solid about assurance of faith which is a gift of God as we grow, and learn to trust Him through thick and thin.
Verse 1 says: ‘Hear my cry, O God; listen to my prayer.’ Assurance in prayer is knowing that wherever, whenever; God hears us, knows us and loves us. It doesn’t have to be in words outspoken, but it can be the cry of the heart, our thoughts, sighs and mutterings guided by the Holy Spirit which God hears and listens to.
Verse 3 states: ‘for you are my refuge, a strong tower against the enemy’. Assurance is also knowing that God is our refuge and help. He doesn’t just shield and protect us, but He also helps us and wants to prosper us.
Verse 4 says: ‘Let me abide in your tent forever’ Assurance is knowing that nothing can take us away from His love: may we abide and know for sure that God’s presence is with us today in and through the love of Jesus-‘Blessed Assurance, Jesus is mine’.
Lord, we thank you for the lives of those who have died in faith and whose loss we feel at this time. We pray Lord Jesus that you would be near to our loved ones near and far. May we grow in Assurance of faith as we trust in you.