Thoughts 1st Aug 21

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Psalm 30.  Verse 24                ‘Be strong, and let your heart take courage, all you who wait for the Lord.’

As we enter a new day, let us actively remind ourselves that God is for us and constantly watches over us his children.  Three times the psalmist describes the Lord as a ‘Refuge’.  Twice He is a ‘Rock’ and twice a ‘Fortress’.  You cannot get more solid descriptions than these.  In other words, He’s got our backs covered!  If this is a day when we are struggling to look up, when burdens weigh heavily and when we long for a fresh start:  perhaps these words can help show us we are not alone, we are loved with His ‘steadfast love’ and nothing can take us away from His presence.  Let us so take time to meditate on these words from Psalm 30 and let them sink in.  ‘Be strong and let your heart take courage.’

God our Father, faithful One, Redeemer of my Soul.  As I go into today, may someone else see you at work in me.  I pray today for each member of my family by name. 


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