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1 John Ch 2 verse 28 ‘And now, dear children, continue in Him, so that when He appears we may be confident and unashamed before Him at His coming.’
You will have seen the TV adverts recently; dwelling on how we are all emphasizing and meaning more fully the questions and often posed statements such as: ‘How are you?’ ‘Stay safe’, and ‘Take care’. As a people who have Christ at the centre of our lives, saying the words ‘God Bless’ and ‘I’m praying for you’ will I know be equally heartfelt and sincere.
In addition to echoing the verse above for each of us, let us be reminded that we are each so precious and loved by God. I want to say today; you are missed and you are in our thoughts and prayers. May God richly Bless us where we are.
Lord Jesus, thank you that one day you are coming back to take us to your Father’s kingdom. We pray now for the many who will be fearful and apprehensive about losing jobs and livelihoods. Show us how to help, listen and love.