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Psalm 103 verse 1 Praise the Lord, my soul; all my inmost being, praise his holy name.
The Psalms are full of verses about praising God, whether it is using our voice or an instrument, or praising him from a position of weakness or vulnerability. Time and again the Psalmist encourages us to give God our praise. This is so much more than words but reflects a deep gratitude that wells up within us. Here it is referred to as ‘my inmost being’, a praise coming from deep within that reflects a reverence and thankfulness that is so much more than the words we speak.
It is only when we begin to fully understand the enormity of what God has done for us that praise overflows to him which finds its root in the depth of our being.
Dear Lord Jesus may praise for you flow out of hearts that have begun to understand what it means to have been brought into your family, as an act of your grace.