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So many sights, smells, sounds and images can help us remember past times or bring memories of our childhood to mind. This happened to me today as I sat outside listening to the sounds around me.
Yes, there were birds chirping and a distant aeroplane, but gladly, there was no noise of cars or motorbikes on this still bank holiday. Yet across the valley, I heard sheep bleating and farmers clapping and shouting while trying to sort or treat an obviously penned-up flock.
This took me back to my own school and college vacations, mostly spent working (not for the great financial reward, I hasten to add!) on the family farm in all weathers. Although I was usually tired and exhausted from the physical exertion and lack of sleep, I felt a sense of purpose and reward in seeing all the strands of our family pulling together for the common goal of seeing the farm enterprise succeed, knowing that there was little spare cash to employ outside help and grateful for the pocket money I got to supplement my student living!
It was always a mix of duty – not wanting to let your siblings and parents down – and enjoyment at having a ‘holiday job’ on hand. When things were going well, the exhilarating sense of team and fun working together, even if farming itself never seemed to be ‘in my blood’ as it was for everyone else was infectious!
A Common Purpose
Collaborating together as the church of God in Wath with Brampton can give us a similar picture: working alongside each other with the common desire to see the kingdom of God flourish in our community despite our own weaknesses, failings and often tiredness. There is no greater joy than to see lives transformed by our loving heavenly Father. The danger is though that sometimes we end up serving more out of a sense of duty (what we should and ought to be doing) especially when we’re run down or exhausted, rather than as a response to the overflow of God’s generous gift of love first given to us.
I guess we’re all human! I know I’ve said this before, but I’m always amazed and thankful at how much so many in our congregations and beyond give of themselves because of their faith and hope in Christ and His resulting call on our lives to be ‘salt and light’ in this generation.
“We remain focussed on what God calls us to do”
Looking at the slightly bigger picture, I am increasingly grateful too for the help we get from our Bishops and their support teams (and I’m not just saying that because Caroline from our churches works with them!) Areas such as Safeguarding, Buildings, Finance and Training mean that we have advice and protections to ensure our actions and decisions locally are within national guidelines and safeguards. We need that accountability and encouragement whilst we remain focussed on what God calls us to do for His mission in our own locality.
It’s Not About Us
What gives me the greatest hope and impetus as we continue serving alongside the lovely people of this Dearne Valley is to remember that it’s not actually about us in the end; it’s more about letting God have His way and praying that ‘His will be done’. I leave us with a verse from Philippians 2:13
‘…for it is God who works in you to will and to act in order to fulfil His good purpose.’
Praying that you will have enjoyed a peaceful and restful season as we hope for an Indian summer beyond!
Every Blessing
Rev Charles Burton
Published in the September issue of the Parish Magazines
Main picture courtesy of Unsplash