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What would you consider a great find? Perhaps you’re into metal detecting or going along to auctions/car boot sales in the hope of stumbling across something unique and collectable.
Many things we may see as having great worth, however, might also be someone else’s cast-offs. I suppose the overall benefit here is that items get re-used or up-cycled. Maybe that’s the draw of TV programmes such as ‘Money for Nothing’ or ‘Bargain Hunt’.
Finding some discarded sermon notes made my day as I pondered how God’s Word had spoken through that person as they poured over verses of Scripture. I was recently excited to come across some old diaries and notes of my grandfather’s but was soon disappointed when I had to give up trying to decipher his unique handwriting!
What do You Treasure?
Of course, we also need wisdom to know what we value sufficiently to hold onto and retain instead of letting go and discarding. Often, spouses have fun reconciling differing views on what to keep (hoard?!) or clear out (de-clutter?!)
One particular verse from the bible that may just make us sit up and question our own lives and what we give our attention to and let occupy our time and have pride of place in our daily lives is from Matthew chapter 6, verses 20 & 21:
‘…store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys, and where thieves do not break in or steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.’
Where is your treasure?
I pray we would have healthy hearts as we make heavenly deposits!
Rev Charles Burton
Published in the June 2024 church magazines.