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What’s your favourite Gift Card either to give to others or to receive yourself? The first question I now ask before buying or spending on one is ‘what is its expiry date!’ I have been caught out too often on that front, being left with a worthless bit of plastic just because I hadn’t used it in time.
The nice thing with such a gift though is that the receiver can choose when and where to redeem and enjoy the treat. Fortunately, the gift of Jesus has no expiry date.
It seems that so much is packed into the calendar for the month ahead: we still have a few weeks of Lent to go – a season to remind and prompt us to seek out and dwell more in God’s presence. Mothering Sunday soon follows on nudging us to give cards and flowers or possibly reminding us of the sad loss of Mums we love but see no more or that we would have liked to have been a Mum but have no children.
The Meaning of Easter
Perhaps the giving of a Palm Cross later in March causes us to ponder most on what this season of seasons is all about. How quickly for example did the adoring shouts of the following crowds in Jesus’ day entering Jerusalem turn to such cruel, hostile clamours for Him to be crucified and suffer such a horrific death on a Roman Cross.
As we journey on through Holy Week, following the painful steps that led Jesus to give His life for our forgiveness, freedom and reconciliation with God. Maybe it’s the giving and receiving of hollow eggs on Easter Sunday that shows us the real point of it all; that His rocky tomb was bare and empty on that first Easter Day when at last our shouts rise up proclaiming ‘He is Risen!’
Here’s the best news for you and me as we approach Easter ’24 – Jesus’ gift of Himself keeps on giving because He is always waiting to offer us His forgiveness and a new start whenever we turn, look up and follow Him.
May your Easter be full of peace and hope as you give and receive the symbols and tokens of this important season.
Rev Charles Burton
Published in the Parish magazines March 2024
Photo from Unsplash