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Our news tells us day after day of war zones, retaliatory action, suffering people groups, political bargaining, changing weather patterns and disasters, and uncertain futures, to name a few examples.
All these things cause us to be understandably fearful and uneasy if we’re not careful. Equally, though, we do also need to hear and be assured of the truth that our God and eternal Living Lord is still in control of the universe, the earth, and each of us in it. In terms of you and me here and now, He really does have a plan and purpose for each of our lives, as small and insignificant as we might feel at times. Yes, we live in precarious times, but the bible reminds us:
“To everything there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven.”
Ecclesiastes 3:1
The Good News
On a more positive note, I am so often caught by surprise with encounters of hope locally as I hear and witness ordinary lives being lifted, transformed and renewed. It is such a joy, for example, to hear of people going the extra mile, putting themselves out, to assist others in need. I give thanks for the generosity of others who have a heart to give sacrificially and those who dedicate so much time to make an area of church life flourish and blossom.
Seeing someone’s face light up with the Good News of Jesus makes every bad news story pale into insignificance for me.
Part of the pleasure and privilege of my role is to hear these accounts of those prompted by faith who have made such a contribution past and present to God’s church in this place.
In this time of Remembrance, thanksgiving for lives given in service, and praying fervently for peace in our time, let us keep watch and be expectant for what God, in His amazing love, will want to do, maybe through us, to draw others and ourselves to follow Him as we journey together in service of our great God and Saviour.
Rev Charles Burton
Published in the Parish magazines Nov 2024
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